HVAC systems play significant roles in your property throughout the year. That said, seasonal HVAC maintenance is necessary to ensure optimal performance. The following are fall maintenance tips for your HVAC unit.

1. Clean or Change Your Filter

Cleaning or changing your filter is one of the easiest ways to maintain your unit in the fall season. Remove dirt, dust, leaves, and other debris from your filter. As a rule of thumb, you should have your filter replaced every three months. You can replace it if it is extremely damaged.

2. Clean the Outdoor Unit

Dust, leaves, and other debris can have detrimental effects on your outdoor unit. Clean your unit thoroughly by washing and wiping its various components. It would also help to clear the area around the unit by cutting grass, pruning trees, and collecting litter.

3. Reset Your Thermostat

Different seasons require varying thermostat settings. Reprogramming your thermostat to align with fall conditions will ensure your interior space has the right temperature conditions. It will also save you money on energy bills when fall arrives.

4. Clear the Condensation Draw Line

Your unit’s condensation draw line removes moisture from the air handler via PVC pipes. Keeping the line clear at all times is relevant in preventing water overflow in your space. A clear condensation water line will allow your system to run properly and efficiently.

5. Schedule a Fall Maintenance Service

Contact professionals to maintain your unit and make it ready for fall. Professionals will inspect your unit to ensure it is running smoothly. They will also repair any issues and make necessary replacements.

Contact Professionals Today

Weaver Family Heating and Air is a well-known HVAC company offering quality services in Kokomo, Indiana, and the surrounding Greentown area. We offer a wide range of services, including furnace repair, furnace replacement, AC installation, and AC repair. Our technicians are highly trained and licensed to offer services in the area. Call us as soon as possible for more details about our services!


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